Parade Info Desk
The Parade Info Desk helps you to find your way around and to make your Parade experience fun and easier. The Info Desk area is located near Hospitality and is open daily throughout Parade week. It's staffed with volunteers that are available to help answer your questions.
Queries range from:
- information on how to buy or sell banquet tickets
- finding a ride for a tour
- finding transportation to the 5K run
- information about the locale
- maps and directions to event destinations
- maps and information about local attractions, shopping, dining and sightseeing
- almost anything else connected to Parade.
No matter what the question, our Info Desk volunteers are determined to track down an answer in an effort to help improve your overall Parade experience. Many of the volunteers are from the local area and bring firsthand knowledge of the area and to services to share.
I you need an answer to something throughout Parade come visit at the Info Desk area. Even if you don't, just come by and say Hi.
If you have pressing questions before you get to Parade, write to