Art Show

Photos from the Opening of the 2014 Parade Art Show: Click HERE!

2014 Parade Art Show Results! Click HERE!

People's Choice Awards will be available later in the week.


2014 entry form as PDF

Thinking about entering the Parade Art Show?

If you enjoy expressing your enthusiasm for PCA and things relating to Porsche culture through art, this is an opportunity to share your creative side with other Parade attendees. For each of the last two years about a thousand Parade participants passed through the Parade Art Show. There are a number of categories which can be entered, nineteen in all, which are based on your experience and art expression.  We enlist the assistance of seasoned judges to honor the leading achievements in each category. Additionally, there are Best of Show and a People’s Choice Awards. If we are fortunate to have a member of the Porsche family in attendance at the Parade, there will be a presentation of the Porsche Family Art Award.  All artwork in the Art Show are creations by entrants to the Parade who also have entered the Art Show.

This year's Parade Art Show is sponsored by Proforma Johnston.

Proforma Johnston

Here are a few thoughts regarding each of entry categories and some of the items which were successful in the past.

Illustration – Entries are varied but are usually a graphic. It might be art work prepared for a region newsletter cover or article or a poster to promote a region or zone event. Recently an entry was a wiring diagram for a 914-6 professionally prepared in the usual factory format (the factory did not create a special wiring diagram for the 914-6). It could be a region logo or other promotional item. There have been a number of drawings and pin and ink creations in this class.

Painting – These are typically oil paintings and watercolor paintings. Other painting media would be in this category as well. 

Classic Photography – This is one of our most popular categories and is for traditional types of images and can be film or digital techniques. To assist you in making your category decision in photography see the additional information included with the Art Show rules.

Enhanced Photography – This category is for advanced photography techniques. Again, more information for this photography category choice is provided in the Art Show rules.

Computer Generated Art – This category is for art work created on computers. Any computer tools or software can be used. There is additional information for computer generated art is in the Art Show rules.

Sculpture – To mention only a few, there have been ceramics, pillows, sculptures made of Porsche parts, wind chimes, Porsche themed guitars and clocks.

Fiber Art – This is a very popular category. Items recently seen have been blankets, rugs, quilts, purses, shirts, dresses, jackets, vests, shoes, hats and various forms of needle work. 

Jewelry – Entries here have included broaches, earrings, pendants, necklaces and rings.                                              

Crafts– Various models of garages, dioramas of race track scenes or legendary locations, desk decorations and decorated items such as gourds and other art object assemblies.

Children’s Class – This is for our Parade participants age 15 and younger. Any art form is eligible and all entrants in this category will receive recognition for their entry.

Selling Your Art at the Art Show
Any entrant, either in the Amateur, Professional or Children’s Division may offer their artwork for sale at the Art Show. This is a good way for amateur artists to get experience selling their art and to recoup some of their expenses in preparing the artwork. Sales are strictly between the artist and the prospective customer. No commissions are collected for these sales. If you declare on the Art Show application that your Art Work is for sale, the label for your artwork prepared by the committee will show the item is for sale. If you wish for the price to be also shown on the label, the label will also show the selling price. When a prospective buyer wishes to purchase an artwork, they will be provided contact information how to reach the artist at the Parade (typically a mobile phone number supplied by the artist). Note that an entrant in the Amateur Division who sells artwork in the 2014 Parade will be considered a Professional in the following Parade Art Show. 

Artist’s Reception
On Monday afternoon of the Parade there is a reception for Artist’s. This will be the first viewing of Art Show which formally opens to Parade goers on Tuesday morning. Artist’s may bring a guest to the reception and enjoy the awards presentation. One award, the People’s Choice Award, will be presented later in the week after the show has been open for general viewing for most the week.

Start Planning Now!
Applications for entering the Art Show are found in the rules for the Art Show and must be mailed by the specified due date. A separate application is required for each artwork entered in the show.

Wednesday, May 7 – Mailing deadline for submitting applications to enter artwork

Wednesday, June 4 – Digital files are due

Sunday, June 15: Drop-off for entered works, 11am-5pm

Monday, June 16: Opening Reception, 3:30-5:00pm

Tuesday through Thursday: open from 9am-5pm

Friday: open for viewing from 9am-4pm

Friday: entrants pick-up their works from 4-6pm

Entrant Information:

Download the Entrant Application as Word Document or as a PDF

All Parade entrants who are artists, crafters and Porsche aficionados are invited to participate in the Art Show at the Traverse City Parade. The following competition categories will be open to entries by artists aged 16 or older, amateur or professional:

Please note that categories are subject to change depending on the numbers and types of entries.
The entries of children ages 15 and younger will be displayed and judged as a group.
Qualified judges will select winners in various categories and for the Best of Show Award.  The People’s Choice award will be selected based on the vote of Parade entrants visiting the Art Show.


Entries must be entirely the work of the artist, not based on images provided by others, and not directed or assisted by an instructor or other person.

Amateur or Professional
In PCA we are fortunate to have many Parade attendees who are professionals either by virtue of training and/or occupation or those who are able to find a market for their art. It is a long established policy of PCA to provide as great an opportunity as possible for Parade entrants to have a place to compete in the Art Show. For this reason, we provide a competitive group for both professional as well as amateur artists.
Criteria for Selecting the Professional Group – If you have sold your art in the past three years, if you have an education preparing you for producing art, if you have a career in an art capacity or if you have art related items for sale in the Parade Goodie Store, you belong in the Professional Group.

The Parade Art Show provides three categories including photography or computer art competition. Each of these categories are described below to help an entrant correctly place their art in the proper category.

Classic Photography – This category includes original camera exposures on film and digital media. Scanned film media into digital files can be used. This category allows basic image manipulation such as cropping, contrast adjustment, brightness adjustment and spotting as well as selection of image printing paper. No major elements of the original exposure can be removed and elements cannot be added to the image. Creative filters available in image manipulation software cannot be used. The produced image must represent camera generated photographic art.

Enhanced Photography – This category includes original exposures on file and digital media. Scanned film media into digital files can be used. This category allows the use of the manipulation tools of the Classic Photographic category. In addition, photographers can use the creative techniques available in common image software programs for adding elements, removing elements of the original exposure and making major changes to lighting, colors and other software generated effects. The image entered in this category must represent camera generated photographic art.

Entries in the above two categories will be reviewed by the Art Show staff for compliance to the category requirements based on the art submitted. An entrant has the option to bring along to the Parade their original camera exposure to show the staff should a question arise.

Computer Generated Art
This category may include any of the techniques of the two photography categories without limits and may include any digital or art techniques. Entrants are not required to use original camera exposures or photographic images.